Au sein des plus raides vertus
Created in
Four children are trapped without being aware of it. Torn between the call of the light and that of the bottom of the gutter, they go around in circles, twisted and crawling. Their uncertain path unfolds like the carving of a sculpture. Their monstrosity is beautiful; their purity, always dirty. The scene plays over and over again, eternal, deepening the groove in an anxiety-provoking spiral where unconscious fears wear a mask of good will and noble intentions. Au sein des plus raides vertus is a small window looking onto the grandiose, tragic passage of humanity on Earth, suspended somewhere between a quest and the loss of faith.
« Rarement la danse contemporaine affiche-t-elle un si bel équilibre entre virtuosité gestuelle et cohérence du propos. Avec quatre danseurs fulgurants, qui portent magnifiquement sa danse raffinée, complexe et pourtant instinctive, Catherine Gaudet livre avec Au sein des plus raides vertus une oeuvre passionnante de sensorialité et d’intelligence, qui explore le retour des pulsions refoulées. »
Voir (Montréal)
Teaser © Julie Artacho
Choreography Catherine Gaudet
Dancers and artistic collaborators Dany Desjardins + Francis Ducharme + Caroline Gravel + Annik Hamel + Gaétan Nadeau
Rehearsal mistress and Dramaturgy assistant Sophie Michaud
Sound design and Original music Jacques Poulin-Denis
Lighting Alexandre Pilon-Guay
Co-producers Festival TransAmériques + Le Phénix de Valenciennes