© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould
© Robin Pineda-Gould

Tout ce qui va revient

Created in


A solitary figure. Three faces.
An attempt.
Between reality and fantasy.
Between the troubled passed and the nebulous present.
Between a nightmare and a gentle dream.
Being with you is the most beautiful thing.
Being with you is a supplication.
Because being alone with myself is an everyday torture.

Tout ce qui va revient is an amalgam of three solos, performed by a formidable trio of women: Louise Bédard, Sarah Dell’Ava and Clara Furey. The solos were created in the span of a year, for three separate events with no formal connection. Beyond that, though, Catherine Gaudet could see a common thread, and that’s why she’s brought them together to share the same stage.

« Tout ce qui va revient met à plat le décalage entre l’être et le paraître, en scène comme en société, tout en jouant efficacement avec l’élasticité du quatrième mur et la rupture des conventions théâtrales. »

Le Devoir (Montreal)

Teaser © Robin Pineda-Gould

Choreography Catherine Gaudet

In collaboration with the performers Louise Bédard + Sarah Dell’Ava + Clara Furey

Assistant dramaturge Sophie Michaud

Lighting Frédérick Gravel

Composer and sound design Tomas Furey

Solo by Sarah Dell’Ava, created as part of a master’s thesis in dance by Christine Charles: «Les modalités expressives et fonctionnelles du regard du danseur au sein de trois processus de création chorégraphique contemporaine» Département de danse de l’UQAM, 2014

Rehearsal director at the time of creation Christine Charles

Solo by Clara Furey, created as part of Cabaret Gravel Usine C, 2015

Artistic direction Frédérick Gravel

Solo by Louise Bédard created in the context of the Pluton project 2015

Coproduction La 2e Porte à Gauche + Danse-Cité + Agora de la danse

Original idea and artistic direction Katya Montaignac

Choreography Catherine Gaudet

Performer Louise Bédard

Music Tomas Furey

Lighting Frédérick Gravel, assisted by Caroline Nadeau

Support Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec + Conseil des arts du Canada + Conseil des arts de Montréal

Promotional pictures